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Suzhou odesman Lifting Machinery Co., Ltd 
Contact person: Mr. Zhu 
Manual machine:13814822558
Mail box:szodsm@163.com
Address: Yantou Road, Xinhua Industrial Park, Wangting Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou (No.2, Wanfang Road)

Industry news

How many oil cylinders are generally installed in the single column aluminum alloy elevator

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2020/5/24 18:11:40 Hits:1036
  How many oil cylinders are generally installed in the single column aluminum alloy elevator? The more oil cylinders, the better. Many customers have misunderstandings about this. When many customers buy the single column aluminum alloy elevator again, they will ask how many oil cylinders are selected for your lifting equipment. They think the more oil cylinders you choose, the better. Is that true?
Take the 12 meter mobile single column aluminum alloy elevator for example. Some businesses use four oil cylinders, some businesses use six oil cylinders. No matter how many oil cylinders are used, only the equipment can be raised to an additional height. The more the number of oil cylinders, the slower the lifting and lowering speed of the lifting channel equipment will become. Because the more the number of oil cylinders, the more hydraulic oil is needed, Therefore, the lifting speed will slow down. If the more cylinders of the single column aluminum alloy elevator, the more seals of the cylinders will increase, and the probability of oil leakage will increase. The more cylinders of the single column aluminum alloy elevator, the better? The single column aluminum alloy lifting machinery, advocates that our customers only need the equipment to satisfy our additional height requirements, Satisfied with our load request is suitable for our equipment, do not blindly seek the number of oil cylinders, lifting channels before leaving the factory are strictly checked and tested by single column aluminum alloy lift manufacturers, so customers do not worry about the power request of the equipment.

Contact us
Contact person: Mr. Zhu
Hand machine: 13814822558
Telephone: 0512-65086223
Mail box: szodsm@163.com
Address: Yantou Road, Xinhua Industrial Park, Wangting Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou (No. 2, Wanfang Road)
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